California Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Digital Segment LLC (“Digital Segment”) California Privacy Policy

Thank you for visiting (the “Web Site”) and reviewing our Privacy Policy specific to California residents. The California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 (CCPA) gives consumers more control over the personal information that businesses collect about them.

Types of Data Collected

Digital Segment collects data for two purposes: from our website and for Data Products.

Website: We do not collect any personally identifiable information about you from our Web Site unless you voluntarily provide it. In some areas of Web Site, we may request that you provide us with personal information that will help us to provide you with information about our products and services, including your name, address, e-mail address, telephone number, and other information from which your identity is discernible. For example, our Web Site includes, or may include, places where you can create a profile or account, or sign up to use a service, or to have us contact you.

When you visit our Web Site, we may also collect usage information describing how our website is used and navigated, including the number and frequency of visitors to each section of the Web Site and the length of their stay. This information includes the domain names of users and browser types that visit our website and the time of day the website was visited. This information is not personally identifiable information.

Data Products: Information for our Data Products is not gathered by this web site; it is gathered through publicly available sources as well as from data aggregators and compilers.  Types of data that products may feature include:

  • Name / address
  • Device ID
  • Email / Hashed email
  • Telephone
  • Active / Inactive
  • Demography

Digital Segment has gathered data from the following categories of sources in the past twelve months:

  • Telecommunications companies
  • Data aggregators
  • Data compilers
  • Government or Public sources

How Data Is Used

Digital Segment has sold data products containing the data types above to the following types of businesses:

  • Advertising and Marketing
  • Identity Management
  • Marketing Data providers
  • Risk Management
  • Telecommunications

How Data Is Secured

Digital Segment uses the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Framework SP800-53 controls to secure all data assets.  More information on NIST SP800-53 can be found here:

Consumer Rights

Consumers residing in California have rights supported by Digital Segment policies and procedures:

  • Right to Know Data Collected: consumers may inquire to know what data concerning the individual California resident Digital Segment has collected.
  • Right to Delete:  California residents may have Digital Segment delete their information from company data assets
  • Right to Opt-Out of Sale: California residents may have Digital Segment no longer sell or make available their information
  • Right to Non-Discrimination: Digital Segmeent will not discriminate in any way agasint California residents that have asserted any of these rights.

Digital Segment provides the capability to opt-out here:

Privacy Stats

According to the California Delete Act of 2023, Digital Segment presents the following statistics as of July 1, 2024:

  1. Total Number of Requests to delete records received directly from California consumers: 18
  2. Mean Number of Days Digital Segment responded to requests: 15
  3. Number of requests in which deletion was not required (due to incomplete information provided by third party privacy agencies or consumers): 5
  4. Total Number of Opt outs received from all sources (consumers and third party privacy agencies) across all states: 25,547


Contact Digital Segment

Questions or comments regarding the California Consumer Privacy Act  or Terms of Use should be sent by email at “info at digitalsegment dot com”. You also can submit a comment through the “contact us” portion of our Web Site.