
Identity Gateway API


Identity Gateway is an API that provides identity graph data with support multiple inputs and results. 

The URI contains both the input data for search as well as the requested output elements. 

Pricing is a function of the type of request (some requests are based on input such as Caller-ID and Line Status while others on data returned such as Email Append or Phone Append) and upon number of elements requested and returned (such a a price for a mobile number returned and a separate price for email returned)

General Syntax and Usage

All requests are performed via API GET action and include a dynamic set of variables based on input data and requested result data.  Input types & variables and requested result data are explained in greater detail below. 

API EndpointURL of requesthttps://{hostname}{version}/ds
API KeyGenerated for use within your accountapi-key=abc345kk8sdfsdf
FormatThe format variable allows the user to choose between XML or JSON formatted response. JSON is defaultformat=xml
RequestIndicates the elements to be requested for the queryrequest=email,name,address,landline,wireless,active
Input TypeIndicated the element(s) to be used for inputinput=phone
Input DataThe input value(s). Defined further in next sectionphone=7705551212

Example Query string:

BOLD values indicate Query String Variables
ITALIC values indicate User provided elements


Input Types and Variables

Identity Gateway will accept various Input data to perform the requested operations. The required data elements are based on the type on Input chosen.

Input TypeRequired Varibles
businessbusiness, address, city, state, zipcode
personfirstname, lastname, address, city, state, zipcode
hashhash, Must Include variable:hashtype (acceptable values:MD5, SHA1, SHA256)
intperson*lastname, firstname, *city, zipcode, address, province, country* (2 Char ISO)
intphonephone (without country code), country (2 Char ISO)

Request Types

Each request type provided will return various data based on Input data and other requested results. All requested results will utilize any Input data as well as any upstream search result data. 
Example:  If your Input data contains Person detail and your Request includes wireless, landline, active”, all found phone numbers will also be passed into the active, carrier, cnam portions of the request if chosen.  

Request TypeDescription
landlineReturns Land Line phone number
wirelessReturns Wireless phone number
addressReturns the result address associated to the result
nameReturns the Name associated to the result
cnamReturns Caller-ID detail for any resulting or Input Phone Number
activeReturns the Active\Inactive status for any resulting or Input Phone Number. By default, only Wireless Numbers are checked. Landlines can be checked with optional parameter
carrierReturns the Carrier status for any resulting or Input Phone Number
linetypeReturns the Line Type for any resulting or Input Phone Number
emailReturns Email Address associated to the result
cassReturns the USPS CASS result for any resulting or Input address
dpvReturns the USPS DPV result for any resulting or Input address
listtypeReturns the Listing Type (Res\Bus) for any resulting or Input Phone Number(s)
demographicsReturns a selected set of demographic detail for the resulting or Input Name and Address combination. Additional options below.
ipReturns IP Address associated to the resulting or Input name and address, phone
internationalReturns International Phone Append or Reverse Phone Append dependant on Input Type "intphone"or "intperson" if the Country supports the results
deactivationReturns Mobile Phone change data (Deactivation\Resume\Suspend\Change)
evalvalidate Email Address in either Input or in append data

API Response Objects

Each component of the Input and Request is returned in a JSON or XML formatted response. Sample full response below:

    "input": {
        "phone": "7275551212"
    "result": {
        "active": {
            "found": true,
            "input": {
                "found": true,
                "activestatus": "yes"
        "cnam": {
            "found": true,
            "input": {
                "found": true,
                "cnam": "Some Name"
        "address": {
            "found": true,
            "address1": "123 Here St",
            "city": "SOMEWHERE",
            "state": "NC",
            "zipcode": "12345"
        "carrier": {
            "found": true,
            "input": {
                "found": true,
                "lrn": "18134049547",
                "spid": "6006",
                "ocn": "6502",
                "lata": "952",
                "city": "TAMPA",
                "state": "FL",
                "jurisdiction": "INDETERMINATE",
                "lec": "CELLCO PARTNERSHIP DBA VERIZON"
        "linetype": {
            "found": true,
            "input": {
                "found": true,
                "linetype": "WIRELESS"
    "transaction": {
        "queries": {
            "ActiveStatusSuccess": -0.01,
            "ALineTypeSuccess": 0,
            "ACarrierSuccess": -0.0099,
            "CNAMSuccess": -0.008,
            "GWWPAReverseSuccess": 0
        "total": -0.0558,
        "accountbalance": -2.4615
    "status": true

Input Object

The Input Object displays the information passed into the search. This object will contain the same elements passed without modification. In the example below, the user has provided the ïnput = “phone” and provided the required variable of phone with a value of “7275551212”. This would be represented as the following URL string:

					{ "input": { "phone": "7275551212" } }

Result Object

The Result Object contains all requested result objects associated to the users “request=” values. The objects contained in the Result object are named exactly as defined in “Request Types and Descriptions”section of this document. Example below will result in several Request elements contained in the Result Object.

    "result": {
        "active": {
            "found": true,
            "input": {
                "found": true,
                "activestatus": "yes"
        "cnam": {
            "found": true,
            "input": {
                "found": true,
                "cnam": "Some Name"
        "address": {
            "found": true,
            "address1": "123 Here St",
            "city": "SOMEWHERE",
            "state": "NC",
            "zipcode": "12345"

Name response object

The Name result object contains the result of a request with “name”.

Example below will result in the “name” object contained in the Result object.

					"name": {
            "found": true,
            "firstname": "SOME",
            "lastname": "NAME"
found"true" if returned
firstnameFirst Name of result
lastnameLast Name of result

Address response object

The Name result object contains the result of a request with “name”.

Example below will result in the “name” object contained in the Result object.

					"address": {
            "found": true,
            "address1": "123 Here St",
            "address2": "Suite A",
            "city": "Somewhere",
            "state": "AL",
            "zipcode": "12345",
            "zipcode4": "4321"
found"true" if returned // "false" if not found
address1Address Line of result
address2Second Line address of result
cityCity Line address of result
stateState Line address of result
zipcode5 digit zipcode of result
zipcode44 digit zip code/delivery point of result

Landline response object

The Landline result object contains the result of a request with “landline”.

Example below will result in the “landline” object contained in the Result object. If the result is found, a match can be made at the Full Name + Address = Individual Match (“I”) or Last Name + Address = Family Match (“F”)

					"landline": {
            "found": true,
            "phone": "7275551212",
            "matchtype": "F"
found"true" if returned // "false" if not found
phonePhone Number of result
matchtypeMatch Type of result. "I"= Individual Match, "F"= Family/Surname Match

Wireless response object

The Wireless result object contains the result of a request with “wireless”.

Example below will result in the “wireless” object contained in the Result object. If the result is found, a match can be made at the Full Name + Address = Individual Match (“I”) or Last Name + Address = Family Match (“F”)

					"wireless": {
            "found": true,
            "phone": "7705551212",
            "matchtype": "F"
found"true" if returned // "false" if not found
phonePhone Number of result
matchtypeMatch Type of result. "I"= Individual Match, "F"= Family/Surname Match

Active response object

The Active result object contains the result of a request with “active”. If requested, by default, the “active” request will check the Active\Inactive status of any and all of the Input Phones, Wireless Phones, and Landline Phones. NOTE: ONLY WIRELESS PHONES WILL RETURN STATUS unless optional variable used (see below).

Example below will result in the “active” object contained in the Result object. Each phone number being checked will be contained in a sub-object indicating which phone number was checked and its status. 

Optional variable activelandline=yes will allow for Landline phone numbers to be checked for Active Status.

					 "active": {
            "found": true,
            "wireless": {
                "found": true,
                "activestatus": "yes"
found"true" if returned // "false" if not found
activestatusStatus of Phone Number of result or input. Yes=Active, No=Inactive

Cnam response object

The Cnam result object contains the result of a request with “cnam”. If requested, the “cnam” request will check and return the Caller-ID information for any and all of the Input Phone, Wireless Phone, Landline Phone.

Example below will result in the “cnam” object contained in the Result object. Each phone number being checked will be contained in a sub-object indicating which phone number was checked and its status.

					"cnam": {
    "found": true,
    "input": {
        "found": true,
        "cnam": "SOME NAME"
found"true" if returned // "false" if not found
cnamCaller ID inforamtion as returned by the Telecom Carrier

Linetype response object

The Line Type result object contains the result of a request with “linetype”. If requested, the “linetype” request will check and return the Caller ID information for any and all of the Input Phone, Wireless Phone, Landline Phone.

Example below will result in the “linetype” object contained in the Result object. Each phone number being checked will be contained in a sub-object indicating which phone number was checked and its line type.

					"linetype": {
            "found": true,
            "input": {
                "found": true,
                "linetype": "LANDLINE"
found"true" if returned // "false" if not found
linetypeLine Type inforamtion as returned by the Telecom Carrier. Values include: WIRELESS, LANDLINE, VoIP

Carrier response object

The Carrier result object contains the result of a request with “carrier”. If requested, the “carrier” request will check and return the full and complete Carrier information for any and all of the Input Phone, Wireless Phone, Landline Phone.

Example below will result in the “carrier” object contained in the Result object. Each phone number being checked will be contained in a sub-object indicating which phone number was checked and its carrier detail.

If you need further definition of this result object, please let your account manager know.

					"carrier": {
            "found": true,
            "input": {
                "found": true,
                "lrn": "17622046000",
                "spid": "7125",
                "ocn": "8392",
                "lata": "438",
                "city": "CALHOUN",
                "state": "GA",
                "jurisdiction": "INDETERMINATE",

List type response object

The List Type result object contains the result of a request with “listtype”. If requested, the “listtype” request will check and return the List Type detail from Landline subscriber databases for the Input Phone or Landline Phones returned as part of an append request.

Example below will result in the “listtype” object contained in the Result object. Each phone number being checked will be contained in a sub-object indicating which phone number was checked and its list type detail.

If you need further definition of this result object, please let your account manager know.

					"listtype": {
            "found": true,
            "input": {
                "found": true,
                "type": "Bus"
found"true" if returned // "false" if not found
typeEither Res or Bus

Email response object

The Email result object contains the result of a request with “email”. If requested, the “email” request will check and return the email address associated to the Input Name and Address or the resulting Name and Address from a reverse contact search.

Example below will result in the “email” object contained in the Result object.

					 "email": {
            "found": true,
            "email": "",
            "matchtype": "I"

found"true" if returned // "false" if not found
emailEmail Address associated with Input or Result information
matchtypeType of match that returned Email Address. I=Individual, F=Family, A=Address

DPV response object

The DPV result object contains the USPS Delivery Point Processing result of a request with “dpv”. If requested, the “dpv” request will check and return the Delivery Point processing results associated to the Input or Resulting Address.

The sample below will result in the “dpv” object contained in the Result object.

If you require additional description of these common USPS elements, please let your account manager know.

					"dpv": {
            "found": true,
            "add1": "123 MAIN ST",
            "city": "SOMEWHERE",
            "state": "FL",
            "zip5": "12345",
            "zip4": "2315",
            "carrier": "C001",
            "dpvcheck": "8",
            "dpvcode": "24",
            "dpvaddrtype": "S",
            "nondeliv": "N",
            "dpvcompstatus": "0000000003333",
            "dpvresult": "Y",
            "dpvnotes": "AA BB"

CASS response object

The CASS result object contains the USPS Address Standardization Processing result of a request with “cass”. If requested, the “cass” request will check and return the CASS processing results associated to the Input or Resulting Address. The process also breaks apart Name and Business information to aid in Name parsing processes.

Status code of “X” represents a failed CASS address.

The sample below will result in the “cass” object contained in the Result object.

					"cass": {
            "found": true,
            "city": "SOMEWHERE",
            "namepart1": "FIRSTNAME",
            "namepart2": "LASTNAME",
            "streetnumber": "123",
            "predirection": "W",
            "streetname": "MAIN",
            "streetsuffix": "ST",
            "state": "NJ",
            "statuscode": "9",
            "firm": "BUSINESS NAME",
            "zip4": "2315",
            "address1": "123 W MAIN ST",
            "zip": "12345"

Demographics response

Demographics request has many options for the calling service to choose from. The default result set is detailed below. Using the option “demorequest” variable, you can specify different types of result data to add to the default response. Additionally, you can specify multiple options separated by commas (realestate,finance). Additionally, the option to use the Name associated with the demographics response for other searches. This is used in the event of an unknown person name.

usedemoname=yes – will utilize the Name fields in the Demographic response for future searchs like Email Append or Phone Append.

demorequest=householdcomp – will return data correlating to Household Composition.

demorequest=realestate – will return data correlating to Property and Real Estate.

demorequest=interestspurchases – will return data specific to buying behavior and interests.

demorequest=financial  – will return data specific to household and person finances.

For a complete list of fields and values, please contact your account manager.

					request=demographics (default)
					"demographics": {
            "found": true,
            "matchtype": "address_fullname",
            "records": {
                "countycode": "063",
                "countyname": "Grundy",
                "dpv_code": "Y",
                "dwellingtype": "S",
                "latitude": "41.359600",
                "longitude": "-88.413900",
                "persondateofbirthmonth": "3",
                "persondateofbirthyear": "1955",
                "personeducation": "U",
                "personexactage": "66",
                "personfirstname": "JOHN",
                "persongender": "M",
                "personlastname": "DOE"
					"demographics": {
            "found": true,
            "matchtype": "address_fullname",
            "records": {
                "countycode": "063",
                "countyname": "Grundy",
                "dpv_code": "Y",
                "dwellingtype": "S",
                "latitude": "41.359600",
                "longitude": "-88.413900",
                "persondateofbirthmonth": "3",
                "persondateofbirthyear": "1955",
                "personeducation": "U",
                "personexactage": "66",
                "personfirstname": "JOHN",
                "persongender": "M",
                "personlastname": "DOE",
                "ChildrenAge00_02": "U",
                "ChildrenAge00_02Female": "U",
                "ChildrenAge00_02Male": "U",
                "ChildrenAge00_02Unknown": "U",
                "ChildrenAge03_05": "U",
                "ChildrenAge03_05Female": "U",
                "ChildrenAge03_05Male": "U",
                "ChildrenAge03_05Unknown": "U",
                "ChildrenAge06_10": "U",
                "ChildrenAge06_10Female": "U",
                "ChildrenAge06_10Male": "U",
                "ChildrenAge06_10Unknown": "U",
                "ChildrenAge11_15": "U",
                "ChildrenAge11_15Female": "U",
                "ChildrenAge11_15Male": "U",
                "ChildrenAge11_15Unknown": "U",
                "ChildrenAge16_17": "U",
                "ChildrenAge16_17Female": "U",
                "ChildrenAge16_17Male": "U",
                "ChildrenAge16_17Unknown": "U",
                "Females_18_24": "U",
                "Females_25_34": "U",
                "Females_35_44": "U",
                "Females_45_54": "U",
                "Females_55_64": "U",
                "Females_65_74": "U",
                "Females_75_Plus": "U",
                "GenerationsInHousehold": "1",
                "Grandchildren": "U",
                "Males_18_24": "U",
                "Males_25_34": "Y",
                "Males_35_44": "U",
                "Males_45_54": "U",
                "Males_55_64": "U",
                "Males_65_74": "U",
                "Males_75_Plus": "U",
                "NumberOfAdults": "1",
                "numberofpersonsinlivingunit": "1",
                "personagecode": "10",
                "personmaritalstatus": "S",
                "presenceofchildren": "N",
                "Unknowngender_18_24": "U",
                "Unknowngender_25_34": "U",
                "Unknowngender_35_44": "U",
                "Unknowngender_45_54": "U",
                "Unknowngender_55_64": "U",
                "Unknowngender_65_74": "U",
                "Unknowngender_75_Plus": "U"
					 "demographics": {
            "found": true,
            "matchtype": "address_fullname",
            "records": {
                "countycode": "063",
                "countyname": "Grundy",
                "dpv_code": "Y",
                "dwellingtype": "S",
                "latitude": "41.359600",
                "longitude": "-88.413900",
                "persondateofbirthmonth": "3",
                "persondateofbirthyear": "1955",
                "personeducation": "U",
                "personexactage": "66",
                "personfirstname": "JOHN",
                "persongender": "M",
                "personlastname": "DOE",
                "deeddateofrefinanceday": "13",
                "deeddateofrefinancemonth": "12",
                "deeddateofrefinanceyear": "2010",
                "estimatedcurrenthomevaluecode": "G",
                "estimatedincomecode": "N",
                "homeownerprobabilitymodel": "H",
                "homepurchasedateday": "17",
                "homepurchasedatemonth": "12",
                "homepurchasedateyear": "2010",
                "homepurchaseprice": "156",
                "homepurchasepricecode": "3",
                "homeyearbuilt": "1900",
                "lengthofresidencecode": "10",
                "mortgageamountinthousandscode": "3",
                "mortgagelendername": "GRUNDY BK",
                "mortgagelendernameavailable": "Y",
                "mortgageloantype": "C",
                "mortgageratetype": "U",
                "MostRecentLenderCode": "000",
                "MostRecentLenderName2nd": "U",
                "MostRecentMortgage2ndInterestRate": "U",
                "MostRecentMortgage2ndInterestRateType": "U",
                "MostRecentMortgage2ndLoanTypeCode": "U",
                "MostRecentMortgageAmount2nd": "U",
                "MostRecentMortgageDate2nd": "U",
                "MostRecentMortgageInterestRate": "000000",
                "Purchase2ndMortgageAmount": "00000000",
                "Purchase2ndMortgageLoanTypeCode": "U",
                "PurchaseLenderCode": "000",
                "PurchaseMortgageDate": "20101213",
                "refinanceamountinthousandscode": "3",
                "refinancelendernameavailable": "Y"
					 "demographics": {
            "found": true,
            "matchtype": "address_fullname",
            "records": {
                "countycode": "063",
                "countyname": "Grundy",
                "dpv_code": "Y",
                "dwellingtype": "S",
                "latitude": "41.359600",
                "longitude": "-88.413900",
                "persondateofbirthmonth": "3",
                "persondateofbirthyear": "1955",
                "personeducation": "U",
                "personexactage": "66",
                "personfirstname": "JOHN",
                "persongender": "M",
                "personlastname": "DOE",
                "ArtsAndAntiquesAntiques": "U",
                "ArtsAndAntiquesArt": "Y",
                "AutomotiveAutoPartsAndAccessories": "U",
                "automotivebuff": "U",
                "Autowork": "U",
                "Aviation": "U",
                "BeautyCosmetics": "U",
                "BoatingSailing": "U",
                "bookbuyer": "U",
                "bookreader": "U",
                "BooksAndMagazinesMagazines": "U",
                "BooksAndMusicBooks": "U",
                "BooksAndMusicBooksAudio": "U",
                "CampingHiking": "U",
                "ChildrensApparelInfantsAndToddlers": "U",
                "ChildrensCharitableDonation": "U",
                "ChildrensInterests": "U",
                "ChildrensLearningAndActivityToys": "U",
                "ChildrensProductsGeneral": "U",
                "ChildrensProductsGeneralBabyCare": "U",
                "ChildrensProductsGeneralBackToSchool": "U",
                "CollectiblesandAntiquesGrouping": "Y",
                "CollectiblesAntiques": "Y",
                "CollectiblesArts": "U",
                "CollectiblesCoins": "U",
                "CollectiblesGeneral": "U",
                "CollectiblesSportsMemorabilia": "U",
                "CollectiblesStamps": "U",
                "CollectorAvid": "U",
                "CommunityCharities": "U",
                "computerowner": "U",
                "ComputingHomeOfficeGeneral": "U",
                "ConsumerElectronics": "U",
                "cookingenthusiast": "U",
                "CookingFoodGrouping": "U",
                "CookingGeneral": "U",
                "DIYLiving": "U",
                "ElectronicsandComputingTVVideoMovieWatcher": "U",
                "ElectronicsComputersGrouping": "U",
                "ElectronicsComputingAndHomeOffice": "U",
                "ExerciseAerobic": "U",
                "exerciseenthusiast": "U",
                "ExerciseHealthGrouping": "U",
                "ExerciseRunningJogging": "U",
                "ExerciseWalking": "U",
                "Fishing": "U",
                "FoodsNatural": "U",
                "FoodWines": "U",
                "GamesBoardGamesPuzzles": "U",
                "GamesComputerGames": "U",
                "GamesVideoGames": "U",
                "Gaming": "U",
                "GamingCasino": "Y",
                "Gardener": "U",
                "gardening_farmingbuyer": "U",
                "health_institutioncontributor": "U",
                "HealthAndBeauty": "U",
                "HealthMedical": "U",
                "Highbrow": "U",
                "HighEndAppliances": "U",
                "hightechleader": "U",
                "HistoryMilitary": "U",
                "HomeandGarden": "U",
                "homedecoratingenthusiast": "Y",
                "HomeFurnishingsDecorating": "U",
                "HousePlants": "U",
                "Hunting": "U",
                "HuntingShooting": "U",
                "LifestylesInterestsandPassionsCollectibles": "U",
                "Luggage": "U",
                "Magazines": "U",
                "MailOrderBuyer": "U",
                "mailresponder": "U",
                "MilitaryMemorabiliaWeaponry": "U",
                "Motorcycling": "U",
                "MovieCollector": "U",
                "MovieMusicGrouping": "U",
                "Musicalinstruments": "U",
                "MusicAvidListener": "U",
                "MusicCollector": "U",
                "MusicHomeStereo": "U",
                "MusicPlayer": "U",
                "Nascar": "U",
                "newsandfinancial": "U",
                "OnlinePurchasingIndicator": "U",
                "opportunityseekers": "U",
                "OtherPetOwner": "U",
                "outdoorenthusiast": "U",
                "OutdoorsGrouping": "U",
                "outdoorsportslover": "U",
                "Parenting": "U",
                "photography": "U",
                "PhotographyAndVideoEquipment": "U",
                "PoliticalCharitableDonation": "U",
                "PoliticalConservativeCharitableDonation": "U",
                "politicalcontributor": "U",
                "PoliticalLiberalCharitableDonation": "U",
                "ReadingAudioBooks": "U",
                "ReadingGeneral": "U",
                "ReadingGrouping": "U",
                "ReadingMagazines": "U",
                "ReadingScienceFiction": "U",
                "religiouscontributor": "U",
                "ReligiousInspirational": "U",
                "religiousmagazine": "U",
                "ScienceSpace": "Y",
                "ScubaDiving": "U",
                "SewingKnittingNeedlework": "U",
                "Smoker": "U",
                "Snowskiing": "U",
                "SohoIndicator": "U",
                "SpectatorSportsAutoMotorcycleRacing": "U",
                "SpectatorSportsBaseball": "U",
                "SpectatorSportsBasketball": "U",
                "SpectatorSportsFootball": "U",
                "SpectatorSportsHockey": "U",
                "SpectatorSportsSoccer": "U",
                "SpectatorSportsTVSports": "U",
                "SportsandLeisure": "U",
                "SportsGrouping": "U",
                "SportyLiving": "U",
                "sweepstakes": "U",
                "Tennis": "U",
                "TheaterPerformingArts": "U",
                "TravelAndEntertainmentCardHolder": "U",
                "TravelCruiseVacations": "U",
                "TravelDomestic": "U",
                "traveler": "Y",
                "TravelGrouping": "Y",
                "TravelInternational": "U",
                "TVCable": "U",
                "TVSatelliteDish": "U",
                "UpscaleLiving": "U",
                "Woodworking": "U",
                "YoungMensApparel": "U",
                "YoungWomensApparel": "U"
					"demographics": {
            "found": true,
            "matchtype": "address_fullname",
            "records": {
                "countycode": "063",
                "countyname": "Grundy",
                "dpv_code": "Y",
                "dwellingtype": "S",
                "latitude": "41.359600",
                "longitude": "-88.413900",
                "persondateofbirthmonth": "3",
                "persondateofbirthyear": "1955",
                "personeducation": "U",
                "personexactage": "66",
                "personfirstname": "JOHN",
                "persongender": "M",
                "personlastname": "DOE",
                "americanexpresscard": "U",
                "AmericanExpressGoldPremium": "U",
                "Credit_RangeOfNewCredit": "U",
                "CreditCardholderUnknownType": "Y",
                "CreditCardNewIssue": "U",
                "CreditCardUser": "Y",
                "CreditRating": "C",
                "DiscoverGoldPremium": "U",
                "DiscoverRegular": "U",
                "GasDeptRetailCardHolder": "U",
                "InvestingFinanceGrouping": "U",
                "investment": "U",
                "InvestmentEstimatedResidentialPropertiesOwned": "U",
                "InvestmentsForeign": "U",
                "InvestmentsPersonal": "U",
                "InvestmentsRealEstate": "U",
                "investmentstocksecurities": "U",
                "MastercardGoldPremium": "U",
                "MastercardRegular": "Y",
                "Networth": "G",
                "NumberOfLinesOfCredit": "U",
                "PresenceOfBankCard": "U",
                "PresenceOfCreditCard": "Y",
                "presenceofgoldorplatinumcreditcard": "U",
                "PresenceOfPremiumCreditCard": "U",
                "PresenceOfUpscaleRetailCard": "U",
                "refinanceloantype": "C",
                "refinanceratetype": "U",
                "VisaGoldPremium": "U",
                "VisaRegular": "U"

International response

The International response contains either the International Reverse Phone Append result or International Phone Append result dependent upon the type of Input specified. “intperson” input type would imply search for a phone number while “intphone”input type would imply searching for the person associated to a phone number.  Multiple results can be returned within the result object based on input data. If the query is a broad search (lastname, city), you may receive up to 50 results.  If the Input information is very specific, Digital Segment will continue to search based on the following methods: Full Information presented, Surname with Address, Surname and City.


Coming Soon: International Reverse Phone Append Result Syntax

International Phone Append Result Syntax

					 "international": {
            "found": true,
            "records": [
                    "isPublished": true,
                    "isResidential": true,
                    "businessName": "de Paco Martínez María",
                    "address1": "CL TONICO SANSANO MORA 4",
                    "postCode": "03204",
                    "city": "Elche",
                    "cityCode": "030651",
                    "province": "Alicante",
                    "provinceCode": "03",
                    "region": "Comunidad Valenciana",
                    "regionCode": "VAL",
                    "country": "Spain",
                    "countryCode": "ES",
                    "phoneOrMobile": "865 680 900",
                    "phone": "865 680 900",
                    "geoLevel": 3,
                    "geoLevelDescription": "House",
                    "longitude": "-0.7119617",
                    "latitude": "38.2567240"
                    "isPublished": true,
                    "isResidential": true,
                    "businessName": "PACO MARTINEZ 2018 S.L.",
                    "address1": "CL FULGENCIO BADAL (MUSICO) 0",
                    "postCode": "12600",
                    "city": "La Vall d'Uixó",
                    "cityCode": "121264",
                    "province": "Castellón",
                    "provinceCode": "12",
                    "region": "Comunidad Valenciana",
                    "regionCode": "VAL",
                    "country": "Spain",
                    "countryCode": "ES",
                    "phoneOrMobile": "964 747 796",
                    "phone": "964 747 796",
                    "geoLevel": 2,
                    "geoLevelDescription": "Street",
                    "longitude": "-0.2318430",
                    "latitude": "39.8274517",
                    "isBusiness": true

Deactivation response

The Deactivation response contains transaction detail regarding changes reported by the Mobile Carriers (MSP’s). Details provided in the response allow for understanding of activity regarding the status of a mobile phone number. Land line phone numbers will be searched but will generally not return a result


Deactivation Result Syntax

					 "deactivation": {
            "input": {
                "found": true,
                "results": {
                    "Result": "Success",
                    "Phone": "18026883918",
                    "ResultRecords": 2,
                    "0": {
                        "MSISDN": "18026883918",
                        "timeStamp": "2021-07-11",
                        "OperatorName": "ATTWirelessUS",
                        "MSISDNEvent": "MDN Deactivation",
                        "MSISDNNew": null,
                    "1": {
                        "MSISDN": "18026883918",
                        "timeStamp": "2016-07-09",
                        "OperatorName": "SprintUS",
                        "MSISDNEvent": "MDN Deactivation",
                        "MSISDNNew": null,
Key NameDescription
found"true" if returned // "false" if not found
resultsHeader for results array
ResultSuccess or Failure - Indicates if result(s) were found for the number searched
PhoneInput Phone Number for results being returned
ResultRecordsAmount of result sets being returned
Index of result recordsContains an array of results ordered and numbered
timeStampDate of record provided by MSP
MSISDNMSP Carrier returned phone number. Includes country code
MSISDNEventTransaction type as reported by the MSP. See table below for possible values and descriptions
MSISDNNewIf a new phone number is associated to the transaction, the number will be shown here. Typically this is populated on MDN Transfer events
OperatorNameName of MSP reporting transaction
MDN DeactivationPhone Number has been reported as Deactived by the MSP
MDN ResumePhone Number has been reported as Resumed by the MSP
MDN SuspendPhone Number has been reported as Suspended by the MSP
MDN TransferPhone Number has been reported as Transfered\Changed by the MSP
No PSMSNo description provided by the MSP

Email Validation response

The Email (eval) response contains detail regarding the current state of the email address. This will provide many different response flags for certain email addresses. 


Email Validation Result Syntax

					    "eval": {
        "found": true,
        "result": "valid",
        "flags": [
Key NameDescription
found"true" if returned // "false" if not found
resultSummarized State of Email Address
flagsObject of Email Flags returned
Email ResultDescription
validEmail is Valid
invalidInvalid Email Address
disposableA temporary, disposable address.
catchallA domain wide-setting, also known as Accept-all (Unverifiable).
unknownGeneral Error. Please Retry
Email FlagsDescription
Flag Description
has_dns The input has one or more DNS records associated with the hostname.
has_dns_mx The input has mail exchanger DNS records configured.
bad_syntax The input given doesn't appear to be an email.
free_email_host This email is registered on a free-mail host. (e.g:,
role_account This email is a role-based email address (e.g: admin@, help@, sales@)
disposable_email The input given is a disposable email.
government_host The input given is a government email.
acedemic_host The input given is a acedemic email.
military_host The input given is a military email.
international_host INT designated domain names.
squatter_host Host likely intended to look like a big-time provider (type of spam trap).
spelling_mistake The input was misspelled
connect_fails Unable to connect to remote host.
accepts_all Remote host accepts mail at any address.
contains_alias The email address supplied contains an address part and an alias part.
contains_subdomain The host in the address contained a subdomain.
smtp_connectable We were able to connect to the remote mail server.
spamtrap_network Host is affiliated with a known spam trap network.

Transaction response

Each use of the API will contain a Transaction object within the Result object of the response. The Transaction object informs the user of queries ran, billable cost for those queries as well as current account balance for the month. Objects contained in the Transaction object are related specifically to the requested responses.

Queries roll up to a total for the transaction which is then added to the Account section which displays the current balance remaining or balance due at month end.

					"transaction": {
        "queries": {
            "Wireless Reverse": -0.01,
            "CASS": -0.001,
            "Active Status": -0.01,
            "CallerID": -0.01
        "total": -0.031,
        "accountbalance": 9.026