Technology Experts​

Technology Experts

Better technology makes better marketing.

A typical organization has an amalgamation of technology. Existing models employed with vendors several years ago, may be outdated and costing your organization more expense than necessary. Digital Segment has expert consultants who know how to measure, analyze, and deconstruct the marketing technology world to make sure that your operations are effective.
It might be time for a marketing tune up.

There are more than enough technology choices available today for a CMO to be worried about that it’s no wonder the CMO and CIO roles are closer than ever. The CMO’s footprint can cover CRM systems, demand side platforms, marketing automation systems, campaign fulfillment tools, call centers, email servers, and SMS gateways and much, much more. A typical organization has an amalgamation of technology, much of which is not optimized for the best performance. Additionally, the existing models employed with vendors several years ago may be outdated and costing the organization more expense than necessary.

Digital Segment brings expert consultants who know how to measure, analyze, and deconstruct the marketing technology world to make sure that your operations are effective. Our staff brings years of experience in marketing operations, information technology, and database marketing to make sure that all of your systems are working properly.

Examples of assessment and optimization work that we have reviewed for clients include:

  • Marketing Automation Software
  • Call Center Operations
  • Campaign Management Tools
  • Database Architecture
  • Database Quality and Hygiene
  • CRM Systems
  • Vendor Management and Analysis