
These MAIDs Gather all the “Dirt”

These MAIDs Gather all the “Dirt”

You have likely used cookies to retarget visitors to your website or have had them used to retarget you. But, have you tried Mobile Advertising IDs (MAIDs)? MAIDs provide a narrower view of your audience by gathering the “dirt”, a.k.a. data, from mobile devices. MAIDs have created a tremendous opportunity for marketers, as mobile devices are used for almost everything previously only done on a desktop.

For most of us, mobile devices are tied to only one user, whereas a desktop is often utilized by numerous members of a household. This means that sending an ad to a home computer based on cookies, may or may not reach the intended target. Messages based on cookies are designed to be generic for this reason.

Personal devices provide a wealth of constantly evolving behavioral, location and demographic data unique to its’ user. An added bonus…they also serve as anonymous identifiers, which helps to combat privacy issues.

At Digital Segment, we have over 2 billion Mobile Advertising IDs that can be used to target ads to your desired audience. Our MAIDs are tied to hashed emails and PII, allowing you to personalize your message and cross channel market. Now you can target the individual with specific messages based on their “dirt” alone. Just think of the potential!

Want to know more? Give us a call. Our MAIDs can help you gather the “dirt” you need to create a more personalized marketing effort.

About the Author

“We’re a cooperative & innovative team. We love using data and technology to create meaningful marketing programs for our clients.”

-Brad Schorer, President

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