
Solve Data Problems with our Data API’s

Managing your marketing data can be challenging work. Digital Segment has over 30 API’s available that allow organizations to quickly verify and validate the data they have collected across all marketing channels.

Solve Data Problems with our Data API’s

Managing your marketing data can be challenging work. It takes a lot of effort to collect, consumer, validate and verify that the data is accurate and can be used in your marketing or re-targeting campaigns. Digital Segment has over 30 API’s available that allow organizations to quickly verify and validate the data they have collected across all marketing channels. These API’s can be integrated into call center operations, deployed within your web pages, or used for internal business processes. Many of our customer have integrated with our API’s and query the vast amount of databases available at Digital Segment along with live network queries to get the data intelligence that they are seeking. A few examples of the API’s available include:

Phone Validation API’s

  • Mobile Phone number look up (forward and reverse append)
  • Landline Phone numbers look up (forward and reverse append)
  • B2B Phone Numbers look up
  • Caller ID look up
  • Phone number is active or inactive
  • Line Type (business vs. residential)

Email API’s

  • Email validation
  • Email appends
  • Reverse Email look up to PII
  • De-anonymization of hashed emails to PII

IP Address API’s

  • Use IP address to return PII
  • Append IP address to physical address to use for geo-targeting of digital ads

Data Enhancement API’s

  • Append demographic data to consumer records (e.g. – age, income, gender, renter vs. homeowner, etc.)
  • Append firmagraphic data to B2B records. (e.g. – sales, number of employees, etc.)

These are just a general overview of the various API’s that we have available into our databases. If we do not have a specific API that meets your needs, we can easily build a new one using our data management platform to fit into the exact business process that you need. All of our API services can also be made available in automated batch processing as well.

Please contact us for more information at

About the Author

“We’re a cooperative & innovative team. We love using data and technology to create meaningful marketing programs for our clients.”

-Brad Schorer, President

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