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Be in the Know!

We love sharing our data knowledge! We hope the articles below will provide you some insight into what we are all about.

Farewell to 2020

2021 can be a year of growth for you and for your business. Set new goals, make a plan and let us give you the tools you need. Whether you want to grow your customer base, decrease marketing costs, increase ROI, or all three, we are here to help.

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Polling is Better with Targeted Data

To predict who will win an election, it’s important to poll as many segments of society as possible. This means, several variations of the data should be combined, in order to produce the most accurate results.

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Reach Your Target Audience with Geo-Location

Geography is important when creating targeted marketing campaigns. Geo-targeting allows you to deliver content to a consumer, via mobile or web, using geographic location information about an individual. Follow these tips for successful geo-targeting campaigns.

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It’s Political Marketing Season!

We are only a few short months from the Presidential Election. With COVID-19 and social distancing, a real part of our lives now, will all voters go to the polls? Getting your message to those who are going to vote, despite these hurdles, is more important than ever.

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Demographics & Segmentation

Identifying customers’ demographics and lifestyles provides valuable insight regarding how to target, what to offer, product development and marketing strategy. All of this creates relevance to your marketing efforts, leading to profit gains.

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What is your Omnichannel Strategy?

Using an omnichannel strategy to reach a targeted audience is gaining popularity. But, getting everyone in your organization on the same page is not always easy, leaving some stuck in their old familiar silo.

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